Monday, November 9, 2009

Glossary 1 &2

Glossary 2

Code of law:The set of laws that govern a society.
Culture:The beliefs, values, customs and knowledge of a civilization.
Cuneiform: A word of Latin origin that comes
Dynasty:A family that hands down power from one generation
Embankment:a build-up of soil and sediments.
Epic: A long poem.
Epic tale:A tale of heroic.
Flood:A rise in the water level.
Hoang- ho: A river
Indian subcontinent: A part of Asia
Mesopotamia:A word of Greek.
Mummification:A ritual during which all organ are removed.
Mythology:A body of myths.
Official:A person who is employed as a government.
Retaliation:A word of Latin.
Sanskrit: An Indo-European language
Sarcophagus:A lavish stone coffin.
Scribe:Someone who writes.
Seal: Something used for stamping.
Sediments:Deposits left by waterways.
Value:What is considered good or desirable.

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